Types of Events
This is a list of all the types of events we currently send. We may add more at any time, so in developing and maintaining your code, you should not assume that only these types exist. If there are events that you would like to see sent that are not listed here please reach out to support@superpath.io
Name | Description | Data Type |
user.created | A new user has been created | User |
user.updated | A user record has been updated | User |
user.deleted | A user has been deleted | User |
userTeam.created | A user has been added to a team | UserTeam |
userTeam.updated | A user’s details in a team have been updated | UserTeam |
userTeam.deleted | A user has been removed from a team | UserTeam |
tenant.updated | Your account has been updated | Tenant |
team.created | A new team has been created | Team |
team.updated | A team has been upated | Team |
team.deleted | A team has been deleted | Team |
learning.created | A user has been assigned a new learning (pathway or assignment) | Learning |
learning.updated | A learning has been updated (i.e progress, completed) | Learning |
learning.deleted | A learning has been deleted | Learning |
event.created | A new event has been created | Event |
event.updated | An event has been updated | Event |
event.deleted | An event has been deleted | Event |
response.created | A new response to a form has been added | Response |
response.updated | A response has been updated | Response |
response.deleted | A response has been deleted | Response |
content.created | New content has been added | Content |
content.updated | Content has been updated | Content |
content.deleted | Content has been deleted | Content |
points.created | A user has earned new gamification points | UserPoints |
points.updated | A user’s gamification points have been updated | UserPoints |
points.deleted | A user’s gamification points have been deleted | UserPoints |
comment.created | A new comment was created | Comment |
comment.updated | A comment was updated | Comment |
comment.deleted | A comment was deleted | Comment |
Updated on: 13/02/2025
Thank you!