How to cancel your account
To cancel your account please email the SuperPath support team at support@superpath.ioFew readersHow to change your plan
On this page you are able to manage your plan and billing settings for SuperPath. At the top of the page you can see the details of your current plan. This includes the number licenses that are being used. The number of licenses used will change automatically when people are added or deactivated in SuperPath. Some plans include a base number of users as part of the monthly fee. If you add more people than the allocation you will simply pay an additional set fee per month per user as specified in the plan details.Few readersAdd or change your credit card
1. Navigate to Billing under Settings in the left hand menu Navigate to Billing under Settings in the left hand menu 2. To add or change your credit card, click the "Add Card" or "Change Card" in the Payment Method sectionFew readersAccessing your invoices
1. Navigate to Billing in the Settings on the left side menu Navigate to Billing in the Settings on the left side menu 2. Add the bottom all of your invoices are listed. Notes: An invoice is also generated for $0 for free plaFew readers