Create a Roadmap from a Template
The purpose of this article is to provide users with step-by-step instructions for creating a roadmap using a pre-existing template. It explains how to select a template, review and adjust roles and competencies, add additional levels if needed, and publish the final roadmap. This ensures a streamlined process for building customised roadmaps efficiently.Some readersAdding or Removing a Role in a Roadmap
The purpose of this article is to provide step-by-step instructions for adding a new role or removing an existing role in a roadmap. It explains how to create new levels, add descriptions and behaviours, adjust the role's position, and delete roles if needed. This ensures roadmaps can be easily updated to reflect changes in organisational structures or career pathways.Some readersRoles, Competencies, and Behaviors
The purpose of this article is to explain the key elements of a career roadmap—roles, competencies, and behaviours—and their distinct purposes in defining and guiding professional development. It details how roles establish responsibilities, competencies outline required skills and knowledge, and behaviours reflect attitudes and actions. This article provides clarity on how these elements work together to support career progression and align with organisational goals.Some readersRoadmap Reporting
The purpose of this article is to provide users with instructions on accessing and using the reporting feature for roadmaps. It explains how to view enrolments, track progress, and filter data to see roles that are in progress or completed. This ensures users can monitor and analyse roadmap progress effectively.Some readersCreate an Auto-Generated Roadmap
The purpose of this article is to guide users through the process of creating an auto-generated roadmap for specific roles. It explains how to input role details, customize the number of competencies and behaviours, review and update auto-generated content, and publish the final roadmap. This ensures efficient and accurate creation of roadmaps tailored to organisational needs.Some readersAssigning Roadmaps to Teams or People
The purpose of this article is to guide users through the process of assigning roadmaps to specific teams or individuals. It provides step-by-step instructions for selecting roles, assigning to teams or people, and enabling notifications. This ensures that the right learning and development roadmaps are effectively distributed to the appropriate users.Some readersDeleting a Roadmap
The purpose of this article is to provide simple instructions for deleting a roadmap. It explains how to locate the roadmap, use the delete option, and confirm the deletion. This ensures roadmaps that are no longer needed can be removed efficiently.Some readersCreate from a Blank Roadmap
The purpose of this article is to guide users through the process of creating a customised roadmap from scratch. It provides step-by-step instructions for defining roles, adding competencies and behaviours, and entering detailed descriptions to build a complete career roadmap. This ensures flexibility and precision when creating tailored roadmaps to meet specific organisational or team requirements.Some readersUpdating a Roadmap
The purpose of this article is to guide users through the process of updating an existing roadmap. It provides step-by-step instructions for modifying roles, competencies, behaviours, and descriptions, as well as adding new behaviours. This ensures roadmaps remain accurate, relevant, and aligned with organisational or team needs.Few readersAssigning Learning to Competencies or Behaviours
The purpose of this article is to provide step-by-step guidance on assigning learning resources to specific competencies or behaviours within a roadmap. It details how to locate roles, add relevant learning types (Pathway, Event, or Content), and publish the updates. This ensures that learning is effectively linked to key skills and behaviours for enhanced development opportunities.Few readers